What would you do
if you had a serious illness or accident and couldn’t work for a while?
That’s where this information kit comes in. On this site, find out:
Your level of financial preparedness in the event of a serious illness;
Solutions adapted for your kind of work;
How to manage the financial impact of a serious illness or accident;
Information and resources that may be useful to you or your caregivers.
A serious illness will almost always bring a series of financial consequences and costs in various ways.
If a serious illness or accident prevented you from working, your main financial concerns would likely be one or a combination of the following: income replacement, job protection, and costs related to treatment and services.
For many people, income replacement will be one of the most important issues when faced with a serious illness.
Note: This project is not tailored to the specific situation of family caregivers, who can, however, refer to the resources section and the website of Proche aidance Québec – Regroupement d’organismes engagés pour les personnes proches aidantes.

Did you know?
31% of Quebec workers would not be able to meet their financial obligations if their pay was late, according to the Canadian Payroll Association.

This project was carried out with the financial support of the Autorité des marchés financiers. The information, opinions, and views expressed are the sole responsibility of Relais-Femmes.
© 2021 Coûts de la maladie | All rights reserved | Site by Phil